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2022-07-10   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - A Princess of Mars - Ⅱ


The creature with the spear was huge.There were many other similar creatures.They had ridden behind me on the backs of large animals.Each of them carried a collection of strange-looking weapons.The on...


2022-07-08   Pre-Intermediate
The Limits of Your Language are the Limits of Your World


“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.” This is a saying from Ludwig Wittgenstein. He is a writer. He knows how important language is to every-day life. Through all of histo...

“你语言的界限就是你世界的界限。” 这是路德维希·维特根斯坦 (Ludwig Wittgenstein) 的一句话。他是一名作家。他知道语言对日常生活有多么重要。 纵观历史,人们已经认识到语言的重要性。语言有助于人们相互交流。它...

2022-07-06   Pre-Intermediate
Remembering Gore Vidal


Researchers found that eighty-five percent Hindu Americans have completed study programs at a college or university.The report says fifty-seven percent have some education beyond that.And it says almo...

研究人员发现,85% 的印度教美国人在学院或大学完成了学习课程。报告称,57% 的人接受过一些教育。报告称,近 50% 的印度教美国人的年收入为 10 万美元或更多。70% 的人每年至少赚 75000 美元。专家表示,美国的移民政策是印度教...

2022-07-04   Pre-Intermediate
Wedding Blues


‘It was strange. We had spent months saving money and planning. We wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Then, in a single day it was all over. I thought what now?’ ‘There did not seem to be ...

“这很奇怪。我们花了几个月的时间存钱和计划。我们想确保一切都完美无缺。然后,在一天之内,一切都结束了。我现在想呢? “之后似乎没有什么可谈的。没有什么可期待的。我感到真的很沮丧——太可怕了。 “事后我想知道这一切是为了什么。我想...

2022-07-02   Pre-Intermediate
The Reagan Years


Soon after his presidency began,there was an attempt on his life.A gunman shot President Reagan in March nineteen eighty-one. Doctors removed the bullet.He rested, regained his strength and returned t...

在他担任总统后不久,有人企图要他的命。一名枪手于 1981 年 3 月向里根总统开枪。医生取出了子弹。他休息了一会儿,恢复了体力,十二天后回到了白宫。新总统希望缩小联邦政府的规模。他和其他保守的共和党人希望政府减少对美国人生活的干预。里根总...

2022-06-30   Pre-Intermediate
Genie’s Story


In the autumn of 1970, a woman walked into a service office in Temple City, California. She brought her daughter with her. The woman wanted to receive money because she was going blind. A woman workin...

1970 年秋天,一位女士走进加利福尼亚州坦普尔城的一家服务办公室。她带着女儿一起来。这个女人想收钱,因为她快失明了。一名在办公室工作的女士注意到了这位女士的女儿。她认为这名女子的女儿大约六 (6) 岁。她还认为这个女孩有精神残疾。但后来她...

2022-06-28   Pre-Intermediate
Project Mercury - The Man-in-space Program


The United States entered the Space Age in nineteen forty-five,at the end of World War Two.German rocket scientists,with the support of the German government,had spent fifteen years developing rockets...

美国于 1945 年进入太空时代,在第二次世界大战结束时,德国火箭科学家在德国政府的支持下,花了 15 年时间开发火箭作为武器。战争接近尾声时,德国开始向英国发射巨大的火箭弹,称为 V-2 火箭,德国武器携带了一吨炸药 320 公里。他们飞...

2022-06-26   Pre-Intermediate
International Day of Disabled Persons


‘Happy are the people who understand my strange step, when walking, and my heavy hands. Happy are the people who know that my ears need strengthening to understand what is said. Happy are the people...

“那些能理解我走路时奇怪的脚步和我沉重的手的人是快乐的。 知道我的耳朵需要加强才能理解所说的内容的人是快乐的。 那些明白虽然我的眼睛闪闪发光,但我的头脑很慢的人是快乐的。 听我说话的人很高兴,因为我有话要说。 知道我心里想什么的人是...

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