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2022-08-11   Pre-Intermediate
Deadly Shark Attacks


A deadly shark attack along the coast of Western Australia could affect the future of sharks in the area.A great white shark recently killed a twenty-four-year-old man near the island of Wedge.Ben Lin...

西澳大利亚州海岸发生的致命鲨鱼袭击事件可能会影响该地区鲨鱼的未来。一条大白鲨最近在 Wedge 岛附近杀死了一名 24 岁的男子,珀斯的 Ben Linden 被咬时正在距离该岛约 4 公里的冲浪板上。Wedge 是家庭度假的热门场所。目击...

2022-08-09   Pre-Intermediate
The Little Match Girl


‘Matches! Light your fires with my matches! Would you like to buy some matches sir? What about you madam? They are the best kind! Strike them against any wall! They will burn! Someone must want some m...

“火柴!用我的火柴点燃你的火!先生,您想买些火柴吗?女士,你呢?他们是最好的!将它们撞到任何墙壁上!他们会燃烧的!一定有人想要一些火柴——有人吗? 一个小女孩走在街上。她又冷又饿。在寒冷的冬日,她在哪里可以找到帮助?卖火柴的小女孩是一...

2022-08-07   Pre-Intermediate
Manned Space Program, Gemini


Two astronauts flew on each flight.Gemini's purpose was to bring the United States closer to its goal of landing astronauts on the moon.(MUSIC)The astronauts of America's first manned program,Project ...

每次飞行都有两名宇航员。双子座的目的是让美国更接近其将宇航员送上月球的目标。(音乐)美国第一个载人计划 Project Mercury 的宇航员成功飞行了六次。他们证明了人类可以在恶劣的太空环境中生存。1965 年,美国航天局 NASA 准...

2022-08-05   Pre-Intermediate
The Rosetta Stone


On July 15, 1799, French Army engineer Captain Pierre-François Bouchard discovered something that would change the world. In 1798, the French Army invaded Egypt. About a year later, Captain Bouchar...

1799 年 7 月 15 日,法国陆军工程师皮埃尔-弗朗索瓦·布沙尔上尉 (Captain Pierre-Fran?ois Bouchard) 发现了将改变世界的东西。 1798 年,法国军队入侵埃及。大约一年后,布沙尔上尉领导了一...

2022-08-03   Pre-Intermediate
A Program to Care for Retired Racehorses


Many prisons have programs to help prisoners develop job skills.But a program at the James River Work Center,a prison in the state of Virginia,is a little unusual.It teaches inmates to care for retire...

许多监狱都有帮助囚犯发展工作技能的计划。但是,在弗吉尼亚州的一所监狱詹姆斯河工作中心(James River Work Center)开展的一个项目有点不寻常。它教囚犯照顾退休的赛马。马匹接受再训练以迎接新的生活,而囚犯则学习释放后的生活工...

2022-08-01   Pre-Intermediate
Purposely Imperfect


People all around the world try very hard to reach perfection. People change their bodies hoping to look perfect. Companies try to make perfect products. We want everything to work without any problem...

世界各地的人们都非常努力地追求完美。人们改变自己的身体,希望看起来完美无缺。公司试图制造完美的产品。我们希望一切都能顺利进行,但似乎人们总是会失败。这种对完美的渴望并不是一个新想法。 最近,我参观了英国伦敦的大英博物馆。博物馆里有很多...

2022-07-30   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - A Princess of Mars - Ⅲ


Another of the large air ships exploded high in the air.Members of the crew fell to the ground.The huge ship lost control and began turning again and again.Soon it was close to the ground.The warriors...


2022-07-28   Pre-Intermediate
World Toilet Summit


Every day, all over the world, groups of people meet together. They meet to talk about important issues. Business people meet about ways to improve their companies. Teachers meet about new ways to tea...

每天,在世界各地,都有一群人聚在一起。他们聚在一起讨论重要问题。商界人士会面讨论改善公司的方法。教师们开会讨论教授数学、科学或英语的新方法。世界各国领导人举行会议讨论国际政策。但是,你听说过人们开会讨论厕所吗? 2007 年 10 月...

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