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2022-08-27   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - A Princess of Mars - Ⅳ


The huge green warrior Tars Tarkas came slowly toward me with his thin sword.I backed away.I did not want to fight him.I did not wish his death.He had been as kind to me as a green Martian can be.As I...


2022-08-25   Pre-Intermediate
About Smoking While Pregnancy


“I honestly do not think a few puffs from a cigarette are going to do that much damage to my unborn baby.” These are the words of Kerry Katona. Kerry is a British Pop Star. She was once part of the...

“老实说,我不认为抽几口香烟会对我未出生的孩子造成那么大的伤害。” “这是 Kerry Katona 的话。Kerry 是一位英国流行歌星。她曾经是着名歌唱团体“Atomic Kitten”的一员。 2007 年 11 月,克里...

2022-08-23   Pre-Intermediate
Thomas Alva Edison


Thomas Edison is remembered most for the electric light,his phonograph and his work with motion pictures.(MUSIC)Thomas Edison's major inventions were designed and built in the last years of the eighte...

托马斯·爱迪生 (Thomas Edison) 最令人难忘的是电灯、他的留声机和他的电影作品。(音乐)托马斯·爱迪生 (Thomas Edison) 的主要发明是在 1800 年的最后几年设计和制造的。然而,他们中的大多数在 20 世纪产生...

2022-08-21   Pre-Intermediate
Slow Food


Imagine this situation. You are at a school. It is time for the mid-day meal. All the children bring out their food and prepare to eat. Everything is fine until one child has the idea to throw his foo...


2022-08-19   Pre-Intermediate
Tractor Pulling Competition


Tractor pulling began as a simple competition in rural areas.Farmers would compete to see whose horses or tractors were the most powerful and could pull the heaviest load.The popularity of tractor pul...

拖拉机拉动最初是农村地区的一项简单比赛。农民会竞争,看谁的马或拖拉机最强大,可以拉动最重的负载。拖拉机拉力比赛越来越受欢迎,以拖拉机为特色的活动也越来越受欢迎。现在,这项运动在全国大部分地区都可以找到。教堂山在 1976 年举行了第一次拖拉...

2022-08-17   Pre-Intermediate
Travel Around the World


Have you ever wanted to travel around the whole world? Can you imagine what that trip would be like? What places would you visit? What people would you meet? In 1991, Jason Lewis and Steve Smith de...

你有没有想过环游世界?你能想象那次旅行会是什么样子吗?您会参观哪些地方?你会遇到什么人? 1991 年,Jason Lewis 和 Steve Smith 决定环游世界。但他们不希望这是一次正常的旅行。不,他们决定做一些特别的事情。 ...

2022-08-15   Pre-Intermediate
Life During the Last Decade of the Twentieth Century


For most of the nineteen nineties,the nation was at peace.The Soviet Union collapsed in nineteen ninety-one, bringing an end to years of costly military competition.During the nineties the American ec...

在 19 世纪 90 年代的大部分时间里,这个国家都处于和平状态。苏联于 1991 年解体,结束了多年来代价高昂的军事竞争。在 90 年代,美国经济从衰退中恢复过来并变得强劲。通货膨胀率和失业率都很低。医学和技术有了新的发展。互联网开始从一...

2022-08-13   Pre-Intermediate
Preventing Mother to Child Transmission of HIV


Olga lives in Russia. She is twenty-two [22] weeks pregnant. The unborn baby seems healthy. And Olga is happy about her pregnancy. But doctors are encouraging Olga to abort her baby. They want to kill...

奥尔加住在俄罗斯。她怀孕二十二 [22] 周。未出生的婴儿看起来很健康。奥尔加对自己的怀孕感到高兴。但医生鼓励奥尔加堕胎。他们想杀死她体内生长的婴儿。她的一些家庭成员同意医生的看法。他们认为最好结束婴儿的生命。但是为什么? 嗯,奥尔加...

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