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2022-10-10   Pre-Intermediate
Developments in Pain Control


As recently as the nineteen seventies,little research existed about a subject that interests most people at some time.The subject is pain.Over the years, however, medical studies have led to new hope ...

就在 19 世纪 70 年代,关于大多数人在某个时候感兴趣的主题的研究很少。主题是痛苦。然而,多年来,医学研究为受伤的患者带来了新的希望。此外,一项被称为临终关怀的国际运动帮助引起了人们对垂死者难以治疗的痛苦的关注。医生谈到三种疼痛:急性、...

2022-10-08   Pre-Intermediate
Street Animals


In 2007, Margaret Ann Gordon went to walk her dog. She was living in Bulgaria. As she was walking, a group of seven or eight dogs ran towards her. No one owned these dogs. They lived on the city stree...

2007 年,玛格丽特·安·戈登 (Margaret Ann Gordon) 去遛狗。她住在保加利亚。她走着走着,一群七八只狗向她跑来。没有人拥有这些狗。他们住在玛格丽特居住的城市街道上。他们是野生的流浪狗。 狗袭击了玛格丽特。他们开...

2022-10-06   Pre-Intermediate
Look Back at the Apollo Program


The decision to go to the moon was made in May,nineteen sixty-one.President John Kennedy set the goal in a speech to Congress and the American people."I believe that this nation should commit itself t...

去月球的决定是在 1961 年 5 月做出的。约翰·肯尼迪(John Kennedy)总统在对国会和美国人民的演讲中设定了这个目标。我相信,在这个十年结束之前,这个国家应该致力于实现将人送上月球并在此期间将他安全送回 Earth.No 单一...

2022-10-04   Pre-Intermediate
Delphi Oracle in Greece


‘Soon you will go on a long trip. This week, do not wear the colour red. It will bring you bad luck...’ I wonder if this will come true? People have invented many wonderful things. They have create...

“不久你就要去长途旅行了。本周,不要穿红色。它会给你带来厄运......”我想知道这是否会成真? 人们发明了许多奇妙的东西。他们创造了太空旅行技术。他们已经开发出治疗可怕疾病的方法。但有一个发现仍然是一个谜。纵观历史,人们都想知道未来...

2022-10-02   Pre-Intermediate
Look at America After the Events of 911


"A stunning and cowardly strike on the United States.Terrorists send mighty skyscrapers crumbling to the ground.Many innocent people are dead.The president vows the killers will pay for this attack on...

“对美国的一次令人震惊和懦弱的打击,恐怖分子将巨大的摩天大楼推倒在地。许多无辜的人已经死去。总统发誓,凶手将为这次对美国的袭击付出代价。9 月 11 日的恐怖袭击使美国发生了变化。哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)新闻记者丹·拉瑟(Dan Rath...

2022-09-30   Pre-Intermediate
Local Transport


“Taxi!” The car stops. A sign on top of it reads ‘Taxi’. A woman asks the driver how much it costs to go to the airport. He tells her and she agrees to the price. She gets in the car. And they leav...

“出租车!” 车停了下来。它上面的标志写着“出租车”。一位女士问司机去机场要花多少钱。他告诉她,她同意了这个价格。她上了车。然后他们就离开了。在许多城市,拥有一辆汽车的成本太高了。所以人们使用火车、公共汽车和出租车。 旅行是生活...

2022-09-28   Pre-Intermediate
Fame - A Bubble on Life’s Wave


Imagine you are one of the most-famous movie stars in the world.Millions of people pay to see your films,and everyone seems to know your name.Thirty years later,you are attending a comic book conventi...

想象一下,您是世界上最着名的电影明星之一。数以百万计的人付费观看您的电影,每个人似乎都知道您的名字。三十年后,你正在宾夕法尼亚州费城参加一个漫画书展,你独自一人坐着,几乎认不出来,等待人们过来握你的手。理查德·朗德特里 (Richard R...

2022-09-26   Pre-Intermediate
Disaster Relief


In November of 2007, a terrible storm happened in Bangladesh. The wind blew at two hundred forty kilometers an hour. A huge wave, more than six meters high, caused floods and destroyed crops. The stor...

2007 年 11 月,孟加拉国发生了一场可怕的风暴。风速为每小时 240 公里。超过 6 米高的巨大海浪引发了洪水并摧毁了农作物。暴风雨持续了好几个小时。 这场被称为气旋 Sidr 的气旋摧毁了数千个村庄。数百万人失去了家园。该国的...

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