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2022-09-28   Pre-Intermediate
Fame - A Bubble on Life’s Wave


Imagine you are one of the most-famous movie stars in the world.Millions of people pay to see your films,and everyone seems to know your name.Thirty years later,you are attending a comic book conventi...

想象一下,您是世界上最着名的电影明星之一。数以百万计的人付费观看您的电影,每个人似乎都知道您的名字。三十年后,你正在宾夕法尼亚州费城参加一个漫画书展,你独自一人坐着,几乎认不出来,等待人们过来握你的手。理查德·朗德特里 (Richard R...

2022-09-26   Pre-Intermediate
Disaster Relief


In November of 2007, a terrible storm happened in Bangladesh. The wind blew at two hundred forty kilometers an hour. A huge wave, more than six meters high, caused floods and destroyed crops. The stor...

2007 年 11 月,孟加拉国发生了一场可怕的风暴。风速为每小时 240 公里。超过 6 米高的巨大海浪引发了洪水并摧毁了农作物。暴风雨持续了好几个小时。 这场被称为气旋 Sidr 的气旋摧毁了数千个村庄。数百万人失去了家园。该国的...

2022-09-24   Pre-Intermediate
Martha Graham


In the beginning of the twentieth century,women like Isadora Duncan and Ruth Saint Denis wanted to create a new form of dance.Duncan and Saint Denis felt restricted by ballet.Modern dance was created ...

在 20 世纪初,像 Isadora Duncan 和 Ruth Saint Denis 这样的女性想要创造一种新的舞蹈形式。邓肯和圣丹尼斯觉得自己受到了芭蕾舞的限制。现代舞是作为对芭蕾舞的反抗而创造的。玛莎·格雷厄姆 (Martha Gr...

2022-09-22   Pre-Intermediate
The Baby Blues


“I had my first and only child in 2001. I went through a long labour and delivery - about twenty-six hours. My parents came to stay with me for a week to help with the baby. Things were going well and...

我在 2001 年生了我的第一个也是唯一一个孩子。我经历了漫长的分娩和分娩 - 大约 26 小时。我的父母来陪我住了一个星期,帮忙照顾孩子。事情进展顺利,然后突然间,当我的父母走出门时......我无法呼吸,心跳非常快,我完全困惑,我开始无...

2022-09-20   Pre-Intermediate
The Greatest Cowboy


Pecos Bill had one of the strangest childhoods a boy ever had.It all started after his father decided that there was no longer enough room in east Texas for his family."Pack up,Ma!" he cried."Neighbor...

佩科斯·比尔 (Pecos Bill) 度过了男孩有史以来最奇怪的童年之一。这一切都始于他的父亲认为德克萨斯州东部已经没有足够的空间容纳他的家人。收拾东西,马!“他喊道。邻居们搬到五十英里外来了!太拥挤了!于是他们把所有的东西都装上了一辆马...

2022-09-18   Pre-Intermediate
Gecko Technology


My son is called Sam. He is sixteen years old. Sam has always been interested in lizards and reptiles. Most people do not like them very much. But Sam loves cold blooded creatures such as snakes, geck...

我的儿子叫山姆。他今年 16 岁。Sam 一直对蜥蜴和爬行动物感兴趣。大多数人不太喜欢它们。但 Sam 喜欢冷血动物,如蛇、壁虎和变色龙。事实上,他拥有两只壁虎!它们是黑色和黄色的。它们大约和我的手指一样长。 为什么科学家和 Sam 都对...

2022-09-16   Pre-Intermediate
Bush Won in 2000 Election


In two thousand,Americans were preparing to elect a new president in November.The United States Constitution limits presidents to two terms.Bill Clinton would be leaving office.So his Democratic Party...

在两千年,美国人准备在 11 月选举新总统。比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)将离任。因此,他的民主党需要选择一位新的候选人。民主党提名了克林顿的副总统阿尔·戈尔(Al Gore)。利伯曼成为有史以来第一位由主要政党提名担任如此高职位...

2022-09-14   Pre-Intermediate
Non-Violent Protest


In 1930 Mahatma Gandhi changed the country of India. He did this by walking over three hundred [300] kilometres to the sea and making salt. Salt is very important to people. People use salt to keep...

1930 年,圣雄甘地改变了印度这个国家。他通过步行 300 多公里到海边制盐来做到这一点。 盐对人们来说非常重要。人们用盐来保持食物新鲜。他们体内需要盐才能生存。75 [75] 多年前,盐也改变了印度这个国家。一百多年来,印度一直是...

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