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2022-10-30   Pre-Intermediate
Jazz Singer Shirley Horn


Shirley Horn was considered one of the great jazz singers of the nineteen fifties and sixties.She was often compared to the famous singers Ella Fitzgerald,Dinah Washington and Sarah Vaughan.She perfor...

雪莉·霍恩 (Shirley Horn) 被认为是 19 世纪、五十年代和六十年代最伟大的爵士歌手之一。她经常被拿来与着名歌手 Ella Fitzgerald、Dinah Washington 和 Sarah Vaughan 相提并论,她表...

2022-10-28   Pre-Intermediate
Manchester United


Manchester United - one of the most famous football teams in the world. The manager is Sir Alex Feguson. He has been in charge of the team for more than twenty years. Some of the most famous footballe...

曼联 - 世界上最着名的足球队之一。主教练是亚历克斯·费格森爵士。他已经负责团队二十多年了。世界上一些最着名的足球运动员都曾为曼联效力——罗纳尔多、大卫·贝克汉姆、埃里克·坎通纳。亚历克斯·弗格森说他有一些出色的球员。但他相信他现在的球队是...

2022-10-26   Pre-Intermediate
Citizen Science


More and more people are getting involved in science.These are not professional scientists but members of the public.Public involvement in scientific research is known as citizen science.There's a sci...

越来越多的人参与到科学中来。这些人不是专业的科学家,而是公众。公众参与科学研究被称为公民科学。几乎任何感兴趣的科学项目都有,专业科学家通常很高兴得到帮助。公民科学的一个例子是一个名为 Project BudBurst 的项目,在过去的六个生...

2022-10-24   Pre-Intermediate
The Baby Blues & Fathers


One July day, the genetic material of a man and the genetic material of a woman come together. The two small pieces form a single cell. Over a period of nine months, that cell divides and multiplies m...

七月的一天,男人的遗传物质和女人的遗传物质结合在一起。这两个小块形成一个单元。在九个月的时间里,该细胞分裂和繁殖了很多次。九个月大后,一个完美成形的婴儿等待出生。 五月的某一天,那个婴儿该出生了。父母终于见到了他们的新孩子。他们的家人...

2022-10-22   Pre-Intermediate
STORY - About a Place Called Gabrielle's


There are a hundred places in New York like Gabriel's.Up front is a small bar,in back there are a few booths and a half of dozen tables,the husband is the cook,and the wife takes care of the bar.It ha...

纽约有一百个像 Gabriel's 一样的地方。前面是一个小酒吧,后面有几个卡座和六张桌子,丈夫是厨师,妻子打理酒吧。它有一个名字,这是丈夫或妻子的名字,或者他们来自的城镇——Lois、Tony's、Estelle's、Maria's、Ca...

2022-10-20   Pre-Intermediate
New Horizons


No work... bad health... poverty... high crime rates: these are serious problems in many countries. But not, you would think, in the United Kingdom. However for some people in Scotland, these are very...


2022-10-18   Pre-Intermediate
About First Aid


Doctors in hospital emergency rooms often see accidental poisonings.A frightened parent arrives with a child who swallowed a cleaning liquid.Or perhaps the harmful substance is a medicine.Or it might ...


2022-10-16   Pre-Intermediate
The Mermaid Child


Hospital workers crowd around. Two worried parents hold each other. The mother puts her hand to her mouth, frightened. They watch the doctors closely. Doctors make the first cut into a small body. It ...

医院工作人员挤在周围。两个担心的父母紧紧抱在一起。母亲吓坏了,把手放在嘴边。他们密切关注医生。医生在一个小身体上做第一个切口。它属于他们的女儿 - Milagros Cerron。她只有 13 个月大。父母的眼中充满了泪水。但他们知道这个操...

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