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2022-11-15   Pre-Intermediate
'Women Who Rock'


Zuccotti Park in New York City is where it all started.The park is close to the New York Stock Exchange and financial offices.Many of them are on Wall Street,the name often used for America's banking ...

纽约市的 Zuccotti 公园是一切开始的地方。公园靠近纽约证券交易所和金融办公室。他们中的许多人都在华尔街,华尔街经常被美国的银行业和金融业使用。一年前,活动人士呼吁 9 月 17 日在 Zuccotti Parkon 举行抗议活动。他...

2022-11-13   Pre-Intermediate
Miracle Boy


“I was going across the street. I thought I could beat the car. But I was wrong.” Ricky Barker was thirteen years old. He was riding home on his two-wheel bicycle. He saw a car coming. He believed ...

我正要走到马路对面。我以为我可以打败这辆车。但我错了。 Ricky Barker 当时 13 岁。他骑着两轮自行车回家。他看到一辆车开过来。他相信他可以在汽车之前过马路。他错了。 这辆车以每小时 80 公里的速度行驶。它打击了 ...

2022-11-11   Pre-Intermediate
Columbus Discovers the New World


Generations of schoolchildren have been taught that Christopher Columbus discovered the New World.In fact,the second Monday in October is celebrated as a national holiday,Columbus Day, to honor the Eu...

一代又一代的学童都被教导克里斯托弗·哥伦布发现了新 World.In 事实,即 10 月的第二个星期一被庆祝为国定假日,哥伦布日,以纪念这位欧洲探险家。但日历上 10 月的页面也有一个鲜为人知的纪念活动。10 月 9 日是莱夫·埃里克森日....

2022-11-09   Pre-Intermediate
International Year of the Potato


It all began in November, 2005. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations met together. This group works to defeat hunger in every part of the world. At the meeting, the Permanent Re...

这一切都始于 2005 年 11 月。联合国粮食及农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)举行了会议。该组织致力于在世界各地战胜饥饿。在会议上,秘鲁常驻代表提...

2022-11-07   Pre-Intermediate
'Houston, We've Had a Problem Here'


American astronauts in Apollo Eleven landed on the moon July twentieth, nineteen sixty-nine. A second landing was made four months later.Both flights were almost perfect.Everything worked as planned.E...

美国宇航员乘坐阿波罗十一号于 1969 年 7 月 20 日登陆月球。四个月后进行了第二次登陆。两次飞行都近乎完美。一切都按计划进行。每个人都期待第三次登月飞行,阿波罗十三号,会和前两次一样顺利。但事实并非如此。阿波罗十三号于 1970 年...

2022-11-05   Pre-Intermediate
Disappearing Glacial Ice


In September 2006 scientists pulled a large column, or core, up from the ground in Antarctica . It was over three [3] kilometres long. It is the longest, largest piece of ice that scientists have ever...

2006 年 9 月,科学家们从南极洲的地面上拉出一根大柱子或核心。它有三 [3] 多公里长。这是科学家们从冰冷的地球上拉出的最长、最大的一块冰。 科学家们一直在研究冰。他们正在寻找气候变化的证据。他们已经找到的证据让他们感到担忧。一...

2022-11-03   Pre-Intermediate
An Anti-cancer Drug Shown to Fight HIV


People infected with the human immunodeficiency virus must take anti-retroviral drugs for the rest of their lives to keep HIV under control.If they fail to do so,HIV-infected cells hidden within the b...

感染人类免疫缺陷病毒的人必须终生服用抗逆转录病毒药物,以控制 HIV。如果他们做不到这一点,隐藏在体内的 HIV 感染细胞可能会变得活跃。当这种情况发生时,感染会卷土重来并攻击身体,导致艾滋病。最近,研究人员发现一种用于治疗癌症的药物可以发...

2022-11-01   Pre-Intermediate


Could one word change the world? Just say “ubuntu!” Recently, the former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, was visiting a meeting of the British Labour party, the ruling political gr...

一个词能改变世界吗? 只需说“ubuntu”即可! 近日,美国前总统克林顿正在参加英国工党(British Labour party)的会议。他告诉工党: “因为 ubuntu,社会和社区很重要。” 克林顿总统是什么意思...

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