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2023-01-02   Pre-Intermediate
NY Museum Showed Crawling with Spiders


What has eight legs,comes in forty-three thousand species and has a serious public image problem? If you said a spider, you are right!The spider family has lived on Earth for about three hundred milli...

什么有八条腿,有四万三千种,有严重的公众形象问题?如果你说蜘蛛,那你是对的!蜘蛛家族在地球上生活了大约三亿年。但它在与人交朋友方面遇到了困难。纽约市美国自然历史博物馆(American Museum of Natural History)的...

2022-12-31   Pre-Intermediate
Bipolar Disorder


“I was in the tenth year of school. I can remember being awake for days. And I was talking a lot. My mind was working all the time. My senses were completely alive. Life was beautiful. I had never fel...


2022-12-29   Pre-Intermediate
Rappaccini's Daughter - Ⅱ


Many years ago,a young man named Giovanni Guasconti left his home in Naples to study in northern Italy.He took a room in an old house next to a magnificent garden filled with strange flowers and other...

许多年前,一位名叫Giovanni Guasconti的年轻人离开他在那不勒斯的家,前往意大利北部学习。他在一座老房子里租了一个房间,旁边是一个宏伟的花园,花园里种满了奇怪的花朵和其他植物。花园属于医生贾科莫·拉帕奇尼。他和女儿比阿特丽斯住...

2022-12-27   Pre-Intermediate
Third Culture Kids


Luis was born in Lima, Peru. He lived there with his parents. But one day his life changed completely. His parents got divorced. And his mother moved to the United States. So Luis went with her. Th...


2022-12-25   Pre-Intermediate
The History of Early American Indians


The native peoples of North and South America came from Siberia thousands of years ago.There was a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska before the end of the last ice age.As the groups settled diffe...


2022-12-23   Pre-Intermediate
About Anemia


I feel tired all the time. I feel very weak. My heart beats fast - even when I am not afraid or excited. Sometimes I feel as if I do not have enough air to breathe. I feel like I may faint. There ...


2022-12-21   Pre-Intermediate
Apollo's Explorations of the Moon


The summer of nineteen sixty-nine was a special time in history.That was when men from Earth -- American astronauts -- flew their Apollo Eleven spacecraft to the moon,landed and returned home safely.T...


2022-12-19   Pre-Intermediate
The Guinea Worm Containment Center


Hyacinth Igelle is a farmer. He lives in Ogi, a village in Nigeria. The people in the village do not have very much money, but they work very hard. Recently, Mr. Igelle has not been able to work. His ...


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