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2023-02-01   Pre-Intermediate
The Works of William Shakespeare


For more than four hundred years,people around the world and in many cultures have been reading,watching and listening to the plays and poetry of the English writer William Shakespeare. Ay me! She spe...


2023-01-30   Pre-Intermediate
An African American Man Named John Henry


People still talk about the night John Henry was born.It was dark and cloudy.Then, lightening lit up the night sky.John Henry's birth was a big event.His parents showed him to everyone they met.John H...

人们仍然在谈论约翰·亨利 (John Henry) 出生的那个晚上。天色漆黑,多云。然后,闪电照亮了夜空。约翰·亨利的出生是一件大事。他的父母把他带到了他们遇到的每个人面前。约翰·亨利是人们见过的最强壮的婴儿。他有粗壮的手臂、宽阔的肩膀和强...

2023-01-26   Pre-Intermediate
The Science of Severe Ocean Storms


Severe storms that develop over the Indian Ocean are called cyclones.Storms that form over the northwestern Pacific Ocean are typhoons.And storms that form over the eastern Pacific and the Atlantic Oc...

在印度洋上发展的强风暴称为气旋。在西北太平洋上形成的风暴是台风。在东太平洋和大西洋上形成的风暴是飓风。一场名为艾萨克的风暴 [最近] 给美国以及大西洋和加勒比海的岛屿带来了死亡和破坏。宽阔、缓慢移动的艾萨克在波多黎各岛附近的水域上空出现,R...

2023-01-22   Pre-Intermediate
Andreas Hofer


“I will not kneel. Fire!” These were the last words of Andreas Hofer. He spoke them in his own language, German. The year was 1810. Andreas Hofer is a hero in his own country, Austria. People remem...

“我不会跪下。火了! 这是 Andreas Hofer 的最后一句话。他用自己的语言德语说这些话。那一年是 1810 年。Andreas Hofer 是他自己的祖国奥地利的英雄。人们记住他的勇敢、力量和勇气。今天我们来讲述他的故事。 ...

2023-01-18   Pre-Intermediate
Minnesota State Fair Held Giant Sing Along


The northern state of Minnesota is home to one of the nation's largest and oldest state fairs.It has farm animals,home-made foods, carnival rides and,for the second summer, a Giant Sing Along.Children...

北部的明尼苏达州是美国最大、最古老的州博览会之一。它有农场动物、自制食品、狂欢节游乐设施,第二个夏天还有 Giant Sing Along.孩子们在旋转木马上兜兜转转 - 农民展示设备,包括旧拖拉机。在一个名为“出生奇迹”的教育建筑中,人群...

2023-01-14   Pre-Intermediate
Free Hugs


A man stands in a busy shopping centre. People walk by him quickly. There are all kinds of people: rich, poor, young, and old. They are men, women, and children. The man is holding a large sign. The s...

一名男子站在繁忙的购物中心。人们从他身边走过。有各种各样的人:富人、穷人、年轻人和老年人。他们是男人、女人和孩子。这个男人举着一个大牌子。标志每侧有两个字。标志的每一侧都写着“Free Hugs”。 一些路过的人用奇怪的眼神看着这个男...

2023-01-08   Pre-Intermediate
Charles Eastman - One of the Great Sioux Warriors


In the early days of the last century,an American doctor wrote about the Native American people called the Lakota or Sioux.His name was Charles Eastman.He was one of the few people to ever win the tru...

在上世纪初,一位美国医生写了关于美洲原住民拉科塔人或苏人的文章,他的名字叫查尔斯·伊士曼(Charles Eastman),他是为数不多的赢得老人信任的人之一。他之所以能做到这一点,是因为他也是拉科塔人,苏族人,他的拉科塔人名叫Ohiyas...

2023-01-04   Pre-Intermediate
Iron Deficiency Anaemia


Imagine a baby boy. Let’s call him Manuel. Manuel is born in a poor area of Mexico. He is his parent’s third child. Manuel’s mother has been tired a lot during her pregnancy. But she has been working ...

想象一个男婴。我们叫他 Manuel。Manuel 出生在墨西哥的一个贫困地区。他是父母的第三个孩子。Manuel 的母亲在怀孕期间一直很累。但她一直在努力为她的新生儿做准备。 想象一下,曼努埃尔提前三周出生。他有点小。但是,他看起来很健...

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