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2023-02-23   Pre-Intermediate
Chuck Berry’s Music


One of Chuck Berry's first releases was "Brown Eyed Handsome Man." The last verse goes like this:Two, three count with nobody onHe hit a high fly into the standRounding third he was headed for homeIt ...


2023-02-21   Pre-Intermediate
Budhia Singh’s Story


Running races is very popular around the world. But being an excellent runner takes skill. Budhia Singh is an excellent runner from India. He trains every day. Budhia runs many kilometres every mornin...


2023-02-19   Pre-Intermediate
Was Jesus Married


The piece of paper raises an ages-old question about Jesus, whose life and teachings form the heart of Christianity.Could Jesus have been married?Harvard Divinity School Professor Karen King recently ...


2023-02-17   Pre-Intermediate
Melanesian Martyrs


“Everybody is talking about our situation. Today a village man came up to one of the Brothers... He asked him when we will stop praying for our six missing friends... We believe the authorities are ke...


2023-02-15   Pre-Intermediate
Richard Charles Rodgers - Writer of Show Songs


That is music from the television show "Victory At Sea" written in nineteen fifty-two. The man who composed that beautiful music is known mainly as a writer of show songs.He wrote more than one thousa...


2023-02-11   Pre-Intermediate
All About Love


It happened seventeen hundred years ago, in Rome. The story says that he was in prison for being a Christian. He performed marriages even though they were illegal. The government captured him and put ...

它发生在 1700 年前的罗马。故事说他因为是基督徒而入狱。他主持了婚礼,即使它们是非法的。政府抓住了他,把他关进了监狱。总有一天,政府会处决他。在监狱里,他遇到了一个漂亮的女孩。她经常去他的牢房。她是狱警的女儿。他和女孩开始隔着监狱的铁栅...

2023-02-09   Pre-Intermediate
William Shakespeare - Star of Stage & Screen


"Master Shakespeare ...Good sir, I heard you are a poet ...But a poet of no words?"That was part of a dancing scene from the popular nineteen ninety-eight movie "Shakespeare in Love." The film suggest...

“莎士比亚大师......好先生,我听说您是一位诗人......但是一个无言的诗人呢?那是一九九八年流行的电影《莎士比亚恋爱》(Shakespeare in Love)中舞蹈场景的一部分。这部电影暗示了莎士比亚写《罗密欧与朱丽叶》可能受到影...

2023-02-07   Pre-Intermediate
Dick and Rick Hoyt


Rick Hoyt was born in 1962. But when he was born something went wrong. His brain did not receive enough oxygen. This damaged his brain. Doctors thought baby Rick would not live long. If Rick did live,...

Rick Hoyt 出生于 1962 年。但是当他出生时,出了点问题。他的大脑没有得到足够的氧气。这损害了他的大脑。医生认为婴儿 Rick 活不了多久。如果 Rick 真的活着,他就不会正常发育。 作为一个孩子,很明显 Rick 有很...

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