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2023-03-27   Pre-Intermediate
Slavery in the History of the US


Most ancient people thought of slavery as a natural condition that could happen to anyone at any time.Few saw it as evil or unfair.In most cities,slaves could be freed by their owners and become citiz...


2023-03-25   Pre-Intermediate
Work Pressure


Dan and Sam were in a good relationship. They had been dating for a while. One day they decided to move away from their home in the United Kingdom. Sam quit her job to prepare for the move. Dan worked...


2023-03-23   Pre-Intermediate
The X-15


It was designed to test equipment and conditions for future space flights.The plane was called the X-15.The pilot of the huge B-52 bomber plane pushes a button.From under the plane's right wing,the bl...


2023-03-21   Pre-Intermediate
How to Fight the Discouragement


Every year thousands of young people compete for limited places at universities. This is especially true in South Korea. Students study very hard. They need to pass tests to enter university. And thei...


2023-03-19   Pre-Intermediate
You can Learn While You Sleep


In nineteen twenty-eight, a British scientist made a chance observation.He found that some mold had grown in bacteriain a culture plate in his laboratory.Molds can do that.But this mold that had someh...


2023-03-17   Pre-Intermediate
The Red Cross


The battle was fierce and terrible. Almost forty thousand men died in the fighting, or later from their wounds. All over the battlefield men cried out for help. Jean Henri Dunant was deeply shocked by...


2023-03-15   Pre-Intermediate
Visit to a Medical Museum near Washington


Ozora Cassanova could never have imagined becoming homeless a year ago."I was a full-time student.I had a part-time job.I had my military job and I was a wife."Life changed for the United States Natio...

Ozora Cassanova一年前从未想过会无家可归。“我是一名全日制学生。我有一份兼职工作。我有我的军事工作,我是一个妻子。”当这位美国国民警卫队成员失业、与丈夫分居、身无分文并被赶出家门时,她的生活发生了变化。幸运的是,她听说了Fin...

2023-03-13   Pre-Intermediate
Laughter Yoga


Laughter Yoga is based on traditional forms of Yoga. Yoga is a method for bringing strength and calm to a person’s mind and body. It is an ancient form of meditation, or self examination. People use b...


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