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2023-04-12   Pre-Intermediate
Farming Methods


‘I read of climate change in the newspapers. But I can feel its effects on myself and my crops. The sun seems hotter. The temperature is higher. And the wind is drier. I hear about the greenhouse effe...

“我在报纸上读到气候变化。但我能感觉到它对我自己和我的庄稼的影响。太阳似乎更热了。温度更高。而且风更干燥。我听说过温室效应,但我不明白。但结果是亚马逊地区的水减少了,巴西东北部部分地区发生了洪水,旋风也增加了。 气候变化似乎是每个人都...

2023-04-10   Pre-Intermediate
Zinedine Zidane


It was the ninth of July, 2006. The night was warm. The Olympic Stadium in Berlin was full. Everyone was excited. Sixty-nine thousand football fans were there. They had been shouting and waving all ni...

那是 2006 年 7 月 9 日。夜晚很温暖。柏林的奥林匹克体育场座无虚席。每个人都很兴奋。那里有 69,000 名球迷。他们整晚都在大喊大叫和挥手。但是为什么?那是足球世界杯决赛。意大利在对阵法国。但比赛快结束了。两队现在正在进行加时赛...

2023-04-08   Pre-Intermediate
Clowns; Young Magician; Blow-dry Bars


The main idea behind clowning is the same today as it was in ancient times.Clowns don't normally tell a lot of jokes,they are the joke.Elena Day is director and co-producer of a multi-media production...

小丑背后的主要思想在今天和古代是一样的。小丑通常不会讲很多笑话,他们就是笑话。埃琳娜·戴 (Elena Day) 是一部名为 On the Nose.In the show 的多媒体作品的导演和联合制片人,小丑马克·贾斯特 (Mark Ja...

2023-04-06   Pre-Intermediate
The Importance of Trees and Natural Green Surroundings


Chicago’s Robert Taylor Homes project was the largest public housing development in the world. There were twenty-eight buildings, each with sixteen levels. At one time twenty seven thousand people liv...

芝加哥的 Robert Taylor Homes 项目是世界上最大的公共住房开发项目。有 28 座建筑,每座建筑有 16 层。曾几何时,有 27000 人住在罗伯特·泰勒之家 (Robert Taylor Homes)。其中 2 万是儿童。...

2023-04-04   Pre-Intermediate
The Early European Settlers in North America and the Native Groups


The settlers arrived on the east coast of North America.Along the east coast there were many different Indian tribes.They spoke many different languages.Some raised crops, some were hunters.Some were ...


2023-04-02   Pre-Intermediate
Grameen Bank & Muhammad Yunus


Gulbadan Nesa lives in a poor area in Bangladesh. For many years Gulbadan struggled to survive. She had no money. There were days when Gulbadan could not even feed her children. And she had no way to ...

Gulbadan Nesa 住在孟加拉国的一个贫困地区。多年来,Gulbadan 一直在为生存而苦苦挣扎。她没有钱。有几天,Gulbadan 甚至无法喂养她的孩子。她没有办法送他们去上学。多年来,古尔巴丹没有希望。但今天,Gulbadan ...

2023-03-31   Pre-Intermediate
Mystery In Sky


For almost one hundred years,people have looked up at the sky over a certain part of North Carolina and wondered : what is that? They see sometimes see balls of light high above them.So far there is n...

近百年来,人们仰望北卡罗来纳州某个地区的天空,想知道:那是什么?他们有时会看到头顶上的光球。到目前为止,还没有明确的解释这些光是从哪里来的,或者它们是由什么组成的。Jim Tedder有我们的故事。这个谜团始于1913年9月。一名男子晚上在...

2023-03-29   Pre-Intermediate
Look at the Doomsday Clock in a New Way


Do you hear that? It is the ticking of a clock. But this clock is unlike any other clock you have ever seen before. You see, this clock does not keep real time. Instead it shows how close the world i...


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