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2023-04-28   Pre-Intermediate
Sanitation and Medical Developments


In January 2007 the British Medical Journal asked this question: What has been the greatest medical development in the last one hundred sixty-six years? The researchers with the Medical Journal asked ...


2023-04-26   Pre-Intermediate
Astronomer Edwin Hubble


Edwin Hubble made his most important discoveries in the nineteen twenties.Today, other astronomers continue the work he began.Many of them are using the Hubble Space Telescope that is named after him....


2023-04-24   Pre-Intermediate
Derrick’s Story About Predicament


Derrick was only fourteen years old when he joined a gang - a group of young people who perform crimes. They may steal cars, sell drugs, and even hurt other people. Gang members are often troubled you...


2023-04-22   Pre-Intermediate
Story - 'Innocence Burned'


It was raining again.It always seemed to be raining in Sephul County.The people rarely enjoyed a blue sky.The sky was usually gray, like ash.And it was a big sky that hung like a huge ash-colored dome...

又下雨了。Sephul县似乎总是下雨。人们很少享受蓝天。天空通常是灰色的,像灰烬一样。那是一片广阔的天空,像一个巨大的灰白色圆顶一样悬挂在开阔的草原上。Carrie Thead正步行回家。她的丈夫Caleb和两个儿子Sam和Stuart正在...

2023-04-20   Pre-Intermediate
Rift Valley Fever


In Africa, a valley stretches north to south for thousands of kilometres. It runs from northern Syria in Southwest Asia to central Mozambique in eastern Africa. In some places it is one hundred sixty ...

在非洲,山谷从北向南绵延数千公里。它从西南亚的叙利亚北部一直延伸到东非的莫桑比克中部。在一些地方,它有 160 公里宽。在一些地方,它有几千米深。它有助于形成一些世界上最高的山脉和最深的湖泊。那里有一些世界上最强大的火山。专家们在它附近发现...

2023-04-18   Pre-Intermediate
How Music Affects the Human Brain


It doesn't matter whether you play a guitar,a piano, a horn, or a drum.And what kind of music you play is not important.Maybe you like to play classical music like this.Or maybe you like to play this ...

无论你弹吉他、钢琴、圆号还是鼓都没有关系。而且你播放什么样的音乐并不重要。也许你喜欢像这样演奏古典音乐。或者,也许您喜欢播放这种音乐。或者这个 甚至这个 就玩吧!它对你的身体有好处,因为“我们已经知道演奏乐器可以改变大脑的解剖结构以及功能,...

2023-04-16   Pre-Intermediate
Violent Video Games


Mr. White is trapped inside of a store that sells fine jewels. Police surround him. Mr. White takes out a large gun. He shoots two police officers. The bullets hit the officers in the head and their h...

怀特先生被困在一家出售高级珠宝的商店里。警察包围了他。怀特先生掏出一把大枪。他向两名警察开枪。子弹击中了警官的头部,他们的头飞了出去。几分钟内,又有 25 人死亡。 这是一个非常流行的视频或计算机游戏的情况。正如你所听到的,它是非常暴...

2023-04-14   Pre-Intermediate
Who Established Colonies in the American Northeast


The Puritans were one of the largest groups from England to settle in the area known as Massachusetts.They began arriving in sixteen thirty.The Puritans had formed the Massachusetts Bay Company in Eng...

清教徒是英格兰在马萨诸塞州地区定居的最大群体之一,他们于 16 年 30 月开始抵达。清教徒在英格兰成立了马萨诸塞湾公司,国王给了该公司查尔斯河和梅里马克河之间的一块土地。清教徒是从英国国教分裂出来的新教基督徒,他们想改变教会,使它更神圣—...

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