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2023-05-30   Pre-Intermediate
The Story of Wright Brothers


Wilbur Wright was born in eighteen sixty-seven near Melville, Indiana.His brother Orville was born four years later in Dayton,Ohio.Throughout their lives,they were best friends.As Wilbur once said: "F...

威尔伯·赖特 (Wilbur Wright) 于 1867 年出生在印第安纳州梅尔维尔附近,四年后他的兄弟奥维尔 (Orville) 出生在俄亥俄州代顿市 (Dayton, Ohio)。正如威尔伯曾经说过的那样:“从我们还是小孩子的时候起,...

2023-05-28   Pre-Intermediate
A Group Called Combatants for Peace


In January 2007 Bassam Aramin’s ten year old daughter died. She received a serious head injury outside of her school in the Palestinian West Bank. Palestinian young people had been throwing stones at ...

2007 年 1 月,10 岁的女儿 Bassam Aramins 去世。她在巴勒斯坦约旦河西岸的学校外头部受了重伤。巴勒斯坦年轻人一直在向以色列警察投掷石块。警察进行了反击。他们向学生人群发射橡胶子弹和催泪瓦斯。巴萨姆斯无辜的女儿发现自己...

2023-05-26   Pre-Intermediate
Relations Between the American Colonies and Britain


The French and Indian War was one part of a world conflict between Britain and France.It was fought to decide which of the two powerful nations would control North America.The British defeated the Fre...

法国和印第安人战争是英国和 France.It 之间世界冲突的一部分,旨在决定两个强大的国家中的哪一个将控制北美。结果,英国控制了法国声称拥有的土地,英国现在负责 13 个美洲殖民地的近 200 万人口和 6 万讲法语的人 Canada.I...

2023-05-24   Pre-Intermediate
An International ‘Hearing Voices’ Movement


“Some tragic events were happening in my life. First of all, my girlfriend killed herself. It was a terrible shock to me. We had been very happy together. Then, I broke my hip bone while playing a gam...


2023-05-22   Pre-Intermediate
Eleanor Creesy is Remembered by Anyone Who Loves the History of the Sea


The name Eleanor Creesy is almost unknown today.But in the middle eighteen hundreds she was a famous woman.Those were the days of wooden sailing ships.It was a time before ships had engines.Cloth sail...

埃莉诺·克雷西 (Eleanor Creesy) 这个名字今天几乎不为人知。但在 1800 年代中期,她是一位着名的女性。那是木制帆船的时代。那是船舶没有发动机的时代。布帆用于捕捉风,使船只在水中移动。一艘从纽约开往旧金山的船必须绕着南美洲...

2023-05-20   Pre-Intermediate
Saving the Wild Tiger is Important


Every culture has its own answers to health problems. One answer is medicines from a doctor. Another answer is using traditional methods. Some people say that eating particular foods will help stop a ...

每种文化对健康问题都有自己的答案。一个答案是医生的药物。另一个答案是使用传统方法。有些人说吃特定的食物有助于停止疾病。有些人将特定物质涂抹在身体的疼痛部位。 许多人不喜欢使用奇怪化学品的想法。他们不喜欢吃药。相反,他们使用由植物、矿物...

2023-05-18   Pre-Intermediate
Marine Environments Affects Human Health


Representatives from sixteen island nations met there earlier this year to talk about caring for the ocean.Mr. Stone says oceans are the Earth's most important resource."You can't manage anything that...

今年早些时候,来自 16 个岛国的代表在那里举行会议,讨论如何照顾 ocean.Mr。斯通说,海洋是地球上最重要的资源。您无法管理无法衡量的任何东西。所以,就像任何好的投资组合一样,如果你想确保你繁荣昌盛,你正在照顾你的投资——相信我,我们...

2023-05-16   Pre-Intermediate
Health Worker Loh Chin Siew


“Health workers are saving lives every day all over the world, whether they boil a container of water, lovingly wash a newborn baby, ride a bicycle ten miles to give a valuable drug vaccine, or educat...

卫生工作者每天都在全世界挽救生命,无论是烧开一瓶水,亲切地为新生儿洗澡,还是骑自行车十英里接种有价值的药物疫苗,还是在遥远的村庄教育二十名妇女。 John Agwunobi 医生说了这句话。他在美国卫生与公众服务部工作。他是在 200...

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