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2023-09-03   Pre-Intermediate
Coconut Power, Using Coconut Oil as Fuel, Part Two


Once pure, most oils are then ready to go into a fuel tank. But coconut oil is different. It is thicker than other fuels. It turns into a solid at a much higher temperature - about twenty-five degrees...

一旦净化,大多数油就可以进入油箱。但椰子油不同。它比其他燃料更厚。它在更高的温度下变成固体 - 大约 25 摄氏度。在某些地方,这在寒冷的天气里可能是个问题!油将不再是液体形式。发动机无法启动。通常,将使用该油的发动机需要进行小的更改。例如...

2023-09-01   Pre-Intermediate
Coconut Power, Using Coconut Oil as Fuel, Part One


What kind of transport do you use the most - bus? Train? Car, maybe? Do you ever wonder how much fuel these vehicles need to move around? Almost all of them use mineral oil. Mineral oil comes from und...

您最常使用哪种交通工具 - 公共汽车?火车?也许是汽车?你有没有想过这些车辆需要多少燃料才能四处行驶?他们几乎都使用矿物油。矿物油来自地下。今天,地球上的人口比以往任何时候都多。更多的人意味着更多的运输,而更多的运输将使用更多的石油。那么,...

2023-08-30   Pre-Intermediate
Community Radio in the Villages of Nepal


Today, we tell how a community radio station grew from small beginnings - and how it is a powerful tool for local development. Imagine you are a farmer. You live in a village away from the towns. Y...


2023-08-28   Pre-Intermediate
The Story of Singer Marian Anderson, Part Two


News of her success in Scandinavia did not mean much to concert hall owners in the United States.They knew black concert singers were not popular.Anderson was back where she began -- singing at church...


2023-08-26   Pre-Intermediate
The Story of Singer Marian Anderson, Part One


(MUSIC: "der schmied,op.19/4") Marian Anderson was born in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania in the early nineteen hundreds.She began singing in church.Soon, her rich deep voice became widely known in the are...

(音乐:《der schmied》op.19/4)玛丽安·安德森于20世纪初出生于宾夕法尼亚州费城。她开始在教堂唱歌。不久,她那浑厚的嗓音在该地区广为人知。玛丽安·安德森喜欢歌剧。然而,当时美国白人歌剧公司不允许黑人歌手。因此,她转而以音乐...

2023-08-24   Pre-Intermediate
Peace Treaty Ends American Revolution, Part Two


After the American victory at Saratoga,the French decided to enter the waron the American side.The two nations signed military and political treaties.Historian Gordon Wood says this alliancecreated bi...


2023-08-22   Pre-Intermediate
Peace Treaty Ends American Revolution, Part One


The time is December seventeen seventy-six. British General William Howe has decided to stop fighting during the cold winter months.The general is in New York.He has already established control of a f...


2023-08-20   Pre-Intermediate
Should Parents Use Hitting as a Form of Punishment - Ⅱ


Nearly one hundred parents have been through this program. Rose Berge believes that their work has been effective in changing the community. “It has helped people talk about punishing children. The...

近百名家长参加了这个项目。Rose Berge认为,他们的工作在改变社区方面是有效的。“这有助于人们谈论惩罚儿童。他们以前从未谈论过这件事。”尽管如此,仍有许多人反对这个项目。就连罗伯·贝克特也明白,改变需要很多年。“我们知道现在仍有人打孩...

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