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2023-10-05   Pre-Intermediate
About the Brain Disorder Known as Epilepsy, Part One


Many people do not understand epilepsy.Medical experts are working to understand it and improve the lives of those who suffer from it.Epilepsy is a medical condition that produces seizures.A seizure h...


2023-10-03   Pre-Intermediate
Rebecca Yakubu, to Help Improve the Position of all Women in Ghana - Ⅱ


Rebecca Hawa Yakubu was a young girl when her country experienced great political changes. In 1957, Ghana was the first black African country to win independence from the United Kingdom. Kwame Nkrumah...

Rebecca Hawa Yakubu是一个年轻的女孩,她的国家经历了巨大的政治变革。1957年,加纳成为第一个脱离英国独立的非洲黑人国家。夸梅·恩克鲁玛成为加纳的新领导人。他有一些伟大的想法,但不仅仅是为了他的国家。他对整个非洲大陆都有很...

2023-10-01   Pre-Intermediate
Rebecca Yakubu, to Help Improve the Position of all Women in Ghana - Ⅰ


In a child’s mind, one problem can control the world. It was late in the day. Children were still playing on the dusty streets of Benaba, Ghana. But one little girl sat on her own. Sadly, she looked d...


2023-09-29   Pre-Intermediate
How the Constitution Survived the troubled Time in American History - Ⅱ


The next one was born in the blood of the civil war.During the war,President Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation.That document freed the slaves in the states that were rebelling against th...


2023-09-27   Pre-Intermediate
How the Constitution Survived the troubled Time in American History - Ⅰ


The United States became a nation in 1776.Less than a century later,in the 1860s, it was nearly torn apart.A civil war took place,the only one in the nation's history.States from the North and the Sou...


2023-09-25   Pre-Intermediate
The Effect Music can Have on Severely Ill People


Hospitals employ many therapeutic methods. In addition to medication, there are interventions like massage therapy and hypnosis. Music therapy is also growing in popularity. Sandra Siedliecki is a Sen...

医院采用多种治疗方法。除了药物治疗,还有按摩疗法和催眠等干预措施。音乐疗法也越来越受欢迎。Sandra Siedliecki是俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所护理研究所的高级科学家。她说音乐是一种低成本的治疗方法。“音乐有几个原因。一个是它非常便宜。”...

2023-09-23   Pre-Intermediate
Bladerunner - Oscar Pistoriu from South Africa, Part Two


Oscar usually competes in the T forty-four class of disabled athletes. This is for those runners with both legs removed. Oscar holds the world record for the one hundred, two hundred and four hundred ...


2023-09-21   Pre-Intermediate
Bladerunner - Oscar Pistoriu from South Africa, Part One


“On your marks!” The man starting the race points his gun up towards the sky. Eight young men bend down. They carefully place their feet into the starting blocks. Their bodies are tense. “Get set -...


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