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2023-12-08   Pre-Intermediate
Songs About Winter Leave You Whistling a Happy Tune, Part One


It is winter in many parts of the world.For some areas, that means snow.Maybe even lots of snow.If you do not have to drive in it or remove it,snow can be very beautiful.When snow covers everything ar...

世界上许多地方都是冬天。对于某些地区来说,这意味着下雪。甚至可能下很多雪。如果你不必开车或移除它,雪会非常漂亮。当白雪覆盖你周围的一切时,世界看起来就像一个 “冬季仙境”。这是一首关于冬天的非常流行的歌曲的名字。理查德·史密斯 (Richa...

2023-12-06   Pre-Intermediate
The Olympic Dreams of Natalie du Toit and Oscar Pistorius - Ⅱ


There is good news for Natalie! Her Olympic dream is about to come true! She does not use any aids to help her swim. So, the authorities permitted her to try and reach the level needed to compete in t...

Natalie 有个好消息!她的奥运梦想即将成真!她不使用任何辅助工具来帮助她游泳。因此,当局允许她尝试达到参加奥运会所需的水平。Natalie 在 5 月份的比赛中成功达到了这个水平!因此,她现在将参加 10 公里的公开水域比赛——这是有...

2023-12-04   Pre-Intermediate
The Olympic Dreams of Natalie du Toit and Oscar Pistorius - Ⅰ


One young man and one young woman who hope to achieve their Olympic dreams. But these two people have had to rise above extreme difficulty, even just to compete. Natalie du Toit and Oscar Pistorius...

一位年轻男子和一位年轻女子希望实现自己的奥林匹克梦想。但这两个人不得不克服极端困难,即使只是为了竞争。 Natalie du Toit 和 Oscar Pistorius 都来自南非。他们都是顶级体育运动员。Natalie 是一名游泳...

2023-12-02   Pre-Intermediate
Story - 'Molly Bannaky' Written by Alice Mcgill


This story begins on a cold grey morning in 1683 in England.Molly Walesh sat on the stool,pulling at the udder of a difficult cow.She was a milkmaid.She had to get up very early every morning and go t...

这个故事始于 1683 年英格兰一个寒冷的灰色早晨,莫莉·威尔士 (Molly Walesh) 坐在凳子上,拉扯着一头难缠的奶牛的乳房。她是一名挤奶女工。她每天早上都得很早起床,去谷仓挤奶。拥有这头牛的男人拥有她住的小房子,一栋大得多的房子...

2023-11-30   Pre-Intermediate
Story - 'The Keeping Quilt' Written by Patricia Polacco


When my great grandma Anna came to America.She wore the same thick coatand big boots she had worn when she worked on her family's farm.But her family did not farm anymore.In New York City,her father c...


2023-11-28   Pre-Intermediate
Ryan Hreljac and His Work to Provide Clean Water for People - Ⅱ


Ryan answered quickly. He said that he would collect the money for the drill. It was a lot of money. But Ryan was not worried. He wanted everyone in Africa to have clean water. So the Hreljacs started...

Ryan 很快回答。他说他会收取演习的钱。这是一大笔钱。但 Ryan 并不担心。他希望非洲的每个人都能拥有干净的水。所以 Hreljacs 又开始收集了。一家大报纸写了一篇关于 Ryan 的故事。Ryan 甚至出现在电视新闻节目中。很快,信...

2023-11-26   Pre-Intermediate
Ryan Hreljac and His Work to Provide Clean Water for People - Ⅰ


Ryan Hreljac sat in his school classroom in Kemptville, Canada. He was just six years old. He listened closely to his teacher. His school was collecting money for people in Africa. His teacher explain...

Ryan Hreljac 坐在加拿大肯普特维尔的学校教室里。他只有六岁。他仔细听老师讲课。他的学校正在为非洲的人们筹集资金。他的老师解释说,世界上很多人没有药品或干净的水。每年有数十万非洲儿童死于脏水中的疾病。Ryan 的老师告诉全班同学,...

2023-11-24   Pre-Intermediate
Meeting in Philadelphia to Write a Constitution, Part Two


Votes taken in the committee are not recorded as final votes.The committee of the whole provides a way for people to discuss ideas and vote,but also to change their minds.To have the Philadelphia conv...

委员会的投票不会记录为最终投票。全体委员会为人们提供了一种讨论想法和投票的方式,同时也为人们改变了他们的想法。要使费城大会成为一个全体委员会,代表们需要选举一名委员会主席。他们选择了来自马萨诸塞州的法官纳撒尼尔·戈勒姆(Nathaniel ...

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