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2024-01-25   Pre-Intermediate
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equian, Part Two


At last, Britain defeated the French. Each ship’s captain received prize money. The captains were supposed to share this money among all the sailors. Equiano believed that he would receive some prize ...

最后,英国打败了法国。每艘船的船长都获得了奖金。船长们应该把这笔钱分给所有水手。艾奎亚诺相信他也会得到一些奖金。他想存钱来买他的自由。但他没有收到任何钱。而且,情况变得更糟。帕斯卡将艾奎亚诺卖给了另一艘船——船长。 艾奎亚诺再次前往西...

2024-01-23   Pre-Intermediate
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equian, Part One


“We arrived at the coast. The first thing I saw was the sea. And then a ship for carrying slaves. The slave ship was waiting for the sailors to load goods onto it. What I saw filled me with great surp...


2024-01-21   Pre-Intermediate
About the Movies and Performers Nominated for Academy Awards


The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences surprised no one Thursday when it nominated "Lincoln" for Best Picture.The Civil War film received more Academy Award nominations than any other film re...

美国电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)周四提名《林肯》(Lincoln)为最佳影片奖,这部南北战争电影获得的奥斯卡金像奖提名比去年上映的任何其他电影都多。学院选民可能...

2024-01-19   Pre-Intermediate
The Neem Tree may be Useful across the World, Part Two


The people of South Asia have known about the Neem for centuries. But now expert scientists are also interested in its qualities. The experts are especially interested in Neem tree oil. Pressing the s...


2024-01-17   Pre-Intermediate
The Neem Tree may be Useful across the World, Part One


A large tree stands in the middle of the village. People shelter under it. The leaves of the tree protect them from the fierce sun. The temperature is always a few degrees cooler under the tree. The N...


2024-01-15   Pre-Intermediate
A Struggle to Balance Power Between Big and Small States - Ⅱ


Akhil Reed Amar is a professor at Yale Law School in Connecticut.He says the delegates' decision to let people elect their representatives helped change the meaning of the word "democracy.""The succes...

阿克希尔·里德·阿马尔(Akhil Reed Amar)是康涅狄格州耶鲁大学法学院(Yale Law School)的教授,他说,代表们决定让人们选举他们的代表,帮助改变了“民主”这个词的含义。美国宪法项目的成功向世界其他地区证明,民主可以...

2024-01-13   Pre-Intermediate
A Struggle to Balance Power Between Big and Small States - Ⅰ


In May of 1787,a group of America's early leaders met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.They planned to amend the Articles of Confederation.That document established a loose union of the 13 states.Instead...

1787 年 5 月,一群美国早期领导人在宾夕法尼亚州的费城举行会议,他们计划修改邦联条款。该文件建立了一个由 13 个州组成的松散联盟。相反,领导人起草了一部全新的宪法。它创建了美国的政府制度并承认其公民的权利。上周,我们讲述了该小组如何...

2024-01-11   Pre-Intermediate
Visual Pollution and Sao Paulo’s Advertising Ban, Part Two


Many businesses were very unhappy about this law. They said that the government was denying their right to communicate to the public. But people supporting the law said that there were many other ways...


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