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越南语 2024-07-22    
Cử nhân đại học sở hữu tài sản 42.500 tỷ sau 5 năm khởi nghiệp【Miền Bắc】


Sử dụng dữ liệu độc quyền và trí tuệ nhân tạo để giải quyết vấn đề thừa kế các công ty Nhật Bản, sau 5 năm thành lập M&A Research Institute, ở tuổi 33, Shunsaku Sagami sở hữu khối tài sản 1,7 tỷ USD (...

越南语 2024-07-22    
Cử nhân đại học sở hữu tài sản 42.500 tỷ sau 5 năm khởi nghiệp【Miền Nam】


Sử dụng dữ liệu độc quyền và trí tuệ nhân tạo để giải quyết vấn đề thừa kế các công ty Nhật Bản, sau 5 năm thành lập M&A Research Institute, ở tuổi 33, Shunsaku Sagami sở hữu khối tài sản 1,7 tỷ USD (...

British English 2024-07-21    
The Continent's Economy is in a Bad Way, Part Two


Now surveys suggest that both manufacturing and services are contracting gently. A consumption boom in parts of Europe is already fading: monetary policy itself is weighing on bigger debt-financed ...

Pre-Intermediate 2024-07-21    
About Movie Star Marilyn Monroe, Part Two


Marilyn got her first major chance when director John Huston invited her to act in a movie called "The Asphalt Jungle."Huston said her performance as a criminal's girlfriend was good.It gained Marilyn...

西班牙语 2024-07-21    
El ciclo de vida de un mosquito


Los mosquitos pueden transmitir varias enfermedades a los humanos, incluyendo la malaria, el dengue, la fiebre del Nilo Occidental y el zika. Para evitar que los mosquitos propaguen enfer...

泰语 2024-07-21    
สถิติบ่งชี้ว่า วัยรุ่นกับการใช้ smartphone อาจเป็นอันตรายร้ายแรงได้


เวลานี้มีการรณรงค์เพิ่มขึ้นมากในเรื่องวัยรุ่นกับการ text เวลาขับรถ แต่องค์กร Safe Kids Worldwide บอกว่าแม้แต่เวลาเดิน การใช้ Smartphone ก็อาจเป็นอันตรายร้ายแรงได้ด้วย นักเรียนไฮสกูล Tessa Youngner ...

Intermediate 2024-07-20    
Document - The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Part 1


Juleen Zierath: Here are the 2013 Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine. Steve Mirsky: Juleen Zierath heads the section of Integrated Physiology, Department of Molecular Medicine ...

Video 2024-07-20    
What Would Happen If We Covered the Moon With Solar Panels


Not too far from Earth is a giant space rock that has silently played host to just twelve people in its entire history. What would happen if we put our cosmic satellite to work by coverin...

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