Today, we tell about a project called "The Map of Life." We also tell about a study of modern dogsand their ancestors.And we tell about a major anniversary for the world famous Golden Gate Bridge.(MUS...
Business. Japan and globe supply chain. Broken links. The disruption to manufacturers worldwide from Japan’s disasters will force a rethink of how they manage production LAST year Iceland’s volc...
Hi Dr. Heinrich. How are you today? Heinrich: Fine thank you, Steve. Steve: Tell me, first of all, all ravens are crows, but not all crows are ravens. Is that right? Heinrich: Yeah! I mean ravens a...
To live on Earth is to live as part of a network: a giant web where almost every creature depends on others for survival. These networks are so complex that it's difficult to predict how resilie...
In the early eighteen hundreds [1800’s], many white people in the southern United States had black slaves. This was a terrible time in America’s history. Slavery officially ended in the eighteen sixti...
Books and Arts. Book of Review. Human beings and dogs. Man’s best friend. Scientific research throws new light on a very old partnership. Dog Sense: How the New Science of Dog Behaviour Can Make Yo...
Dr. Baldwin great to talk to you today. Baldwin: Well! Thank you very much Steve. Steve: Tell everybody first of all give us the mini tour of your major league pitching career. Baldwin: Well! I was...
Science and Technology. Eradicating polio, late? Or never? A plan to wipe out polio by the end of next year is in trouble. HUBRIS is always dangerous. In 1977 smallpox was eradicated and—an accident...
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