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Video 2022-01-24    
Laniakea - Our Home Supercluster


Somewhere in the Universe is a small blue planet, the third rock from a star called the Sun, just one of billions of stars in a spiral galaxy known as the Milky Way. But where in the Universe i...

British English 2022-01-23    
Looking for Transwonderland - Travels in Nigeria


Still in Books and Arts. Book Review. A memoir of Nigeria Madmen on the ground. Looking for Transwonderland: Travels in Nigeria. By Noo Saro-Wiwa. Throughout her childhood and early teens, Noo Sa...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-01-23    
The Trends in Couponing in the US


As the American economy continues to struggle,a growing number of people are seeking ways to save on household expenses.One way is collecting and redeeming coupons when they shop for goods and service...

Intermediate 2022-01-22    
Better Ways To Cut A Cake


Professor Jones—thanks for talking to us today. Jones: Good talking to you. Steve: And you have got this paper, "Better Ways to Cut a Cake", which does not sound like your typical math paper. Jones...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-01-21    
School Uniforms


Some wear blue. Some wear green. Some wear skirts. Others wear pants. What are we talking about? School uniforms! Children all over the world wear special clothes to school. Uniforms ma...

British English 2022-01-21    
Smaller Is More Beautiful


United States. Other Shrinking Cities. Smaller Is More Beautiful. Many other cities are battling problems almost as acute as Detroit’s. THE five kinds of heirloom tomatoes on Joanna Lehrma...

Intermediate 2022-01-20    
The Inevitability Of Cancer's Commonality


You have a quote in the article, "in one sense cancer is a side effect of evolution." So, that's pretty interesting. What exactly does it mean? Carl: Well, it means that the way that our bodies are b...

Video 2022-01-20    
DNA Transcription (Advanced Detail)


The central dogma of molecular biology, DNA makes RNA makes protein. Here the process begins. Transcription factors assemble at a specific promoter region along the DNA. The length of DNA follow...

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