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British English 2022-03-04    
Cloud Computing's Growing Pains


Cloud computing's growing pains. Break-ins and breakdowns. The lessons from Sony's big security lapse and Amazon's cloud-computing outage. IT COULD turn out to be the biggest breach of data priva...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-03-04    
STORIES - ‘Judge’ - Part One


When Charlie Hestle died,he left a wife and nine children.They lived on a small piece of land in a house with four rooms.John was the oldest boy.He was 16 years old and tall for his age.After his fath...

Intermediate 2022-03-03    
Mark Twain - Fossil Hunter & Science Writer


Mark Twain. Before I play my conversation—with Dr. Pratt that is—it'll be helpful to hear this Mark Twain essay; I hope amusing as well. It was written in 1903. It's kind of a paleontological and anti...

Video 2022-03-03    
What Happened Before History


The world we live in feels normal, ordinary. It feels like this is just how humans exist and always existed. But, it's not. Never before have we humans lived in a world as sophisticated and enginee...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-03-02    
World Mental Health Day


“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. It is not just the lack of disease or weakness.” This is how the World Health Organization defines health. The WHO believes th...

British English 2022-03-02    
I, Robot-manager


Business. Schumpeter. I, robot-manager. Management thinkers need to ponder more about homo-robo relations. ROBOTS have been the stuff of science fiction for so long that it is surprisingly hard t...

Intermediate 2022-03-01    
Small Matters - Microbes


David Relman. He came in from Stanford University where he is an associate professor of microbiology and immunology and an assistant professor of medicine in the division of infectious diseases.The hu...

Video 2022-03-01    
Paired DNA Strands


[NARRATOR:] The DNA double helix contains two sequences of nucleotide code letters that run along the molecule. Untwist the spiral, and DNA can be seen as two parallel strands. That'...

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