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Pre-Intermediate 2022-05-23    
Folk Music


(MUSIC)"Good Night Irene,"is an example of a traditional folk song.That means the song is so old,no one really knows who wrote it.Huddie Ledbetter,the singer and guitarist known as Ledbelly,first reco...

British English 2022-05-23    
The Moon’s Janus Faces


Science and Technology. Lunar history. How do you solve a problem like maria? An ancient collision may explain the moon’s Janus faces EARTH’S moon has a split personality. One half of its surface...

Intermediate 2022-05-22    
Darwin the Botanist & Origins of Life Research


Steve: Dr. Kohn, good to talk to you. We're sitting here in the rare book room at the Botanical Garden and it's really great to be in this room. Kohn: It's wonderful to see you here. Steve: We are s...

Video 2022-05-22    
The Gulf Stream Explained


The ocean conveyor belt and the Gulf Stream. Ocean currents have a direct influence on our lives. They determine our weather, our climate, and much more. The ocean currents and wind system...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-05-21    
Road Accidents


Every day, road accidents kill over three thousand five hundred [3500] people around the world. And over one hundred fifty thousand [150,000] people are injured. These road accidents affect millions o...

British English 2022-05-21    
Doctoral Degrees - The Disposable Academic


Doctoral degrees. The disposable academic. Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time? ON THE evening before All Saints’ Day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a church in Witte...

Intermediate 2022-05-20    
Plasma Physics - From Black Holes to Radio Reception


Minkel: I wonder, could you start by telling our listeners what plasma is? Blandford: Oh! Plasma is an ionized gas—it's one where the electrons are separated from the nuclei, usually formed at high t...

Video 2022-05-20    
Regulatory Switches in Drosophila


[CARROLL:] Let's compare two flies, one without spots, which is the humdrum Drosophila melanogaster, one with spots on the male, Drosophila biarmipes. There's a gene, we're just going to ...

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