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Pre-Intermediate 2022-09-20    
The Greatest Cowboy


Pecos Bill had one of the strangest childhoods a boy ever had.It all started after his father decided that there was no longer enough room in east Texas for his family."Pack up,Ma!" he cried."Neighbor...

British English 2022-09-20    
Archduke Otto von Habsburg - II


As a student in Berlin, he irked Hitler by refusing to meet him. In 1938, as Austria’s leaders quailed before the Anschluss, the Habsburgs’ scion offered to return and rally resistance. Luckily, he di...

Intermediate 2022-09-19    
High Achievement High Schoolers II


Steve: Moyukh Chatterjee also goes to High Technology High School in Lincroft, New Jersey. Chatterjee: Well, basically for a while now, I've been interested in efficiency in industry. I really want t...

Video 2022-09-19    
The Human Explosion Explained


Never before in history, have there been so many people on Earth as right now. Our numbers have skyrocketed, from 1 billion in 1800, to 2.3 billion in 1940, 3.7 billion in 1970, and 7.4 billion in ...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-09-18    
Gecko Technology


My son is called Sam. He is sixteen years old. Sam has always been interested in lizards and reptiles. Most people do not like them very much. But Sam loves cold blooded creatures such as snakes, geck...

British English 2022-09-18    
Archduke Otto von Habsburg - I


If only his great-uncle had died earlier. Franz Joseph I was a masterful ruler of the Austro-Hungarian empire, but his 86 years brought rigidity when the times called for reform. This doomed the noble...

Intermediate 2022-09-17    
High Achievement High Schoolers I


Sruti: I studied the effect of cell phone and Bluetooth devices on simulated driving performance. Steve: And why did you decide to do this study and what did you find? Sruti: I started to conduct a ...

Video 2022-09-17    
Glowing Bacteria in a Flask


And so we grew up some Vibrio harveyi for you this morning. And all the lights are going to go out in the room, so don't worry. And I'm going to show you this bioluminescence, I hope, ...

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