SPEAKER 1: When we think of conservation we typically focus on the big animals. But we may be forgetting about some of the most important players in an ecosystem, like ants. These insec...
‘I read of climate change in the newspapers. But I can feel its effects on myself and my crops. The sun seems hotter. The temperature is higher. And the wind is drier. I hear about the greenhouse effe...
Business. Clear Channel and radio broadcasting. Come stream with me. Is there money in digital radio? FRANK SINATRA knew he was getting a raw deal. He could sing but he was not much of a songwri...
Uriach nació hace 185 años en el Born de Barcelona, como una droguería y hoy es una multinacional con presencia en varios países y referente en Europa de la industria farmacéutica del cuidado natural ...
สมาคมโรคอัลไซเมอร์สและสถาบันผู้สูงอายุแห่งชาติของสหรัฐเปิดเผยคู่มือแนะแนวการวินิจฉัยโรคอัลไซเมอร์สฉบับใหม่ในวันอังคาร ซึ่งมีสาระสำคัญบางส่วนแตกต่างจากคู่มือฉบับเดิมที่ใช้มาตั้งแต่ 27 ปีที่แล้ว คู่ม...
Steve: You wrote in that 1992 essay about Martin's passion for paradox, and you wrote, "I would say that more than anything this passion gave Martin his virtually unerring sense for what is i...
Même si son score n’est pas très brillant, voici Angela Merkel de nouveau Chancelière pour les années à venir en Allemagne. Quel drôle de mot, quel drôle de titre… C’est ainsi qu’on appelle en Allemag...
Nhiều năm qua, sự hiện diện của máy rút tiền ATM ở các đô thị đã rất hữu ích. Nhưng khi giải pháp thanh toán thông minh đã trở nên phổ biến thì việc duy trì nhiều trạm ATM có thực sự cần thiết? Để ...
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