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British English 2023-02-21    
Two Books Probe the Limits of Capitalism -Ⅰ


Books and Arts; Book Review; Money and the markets. Insatiable longing. Two new books probe the limits of capitalism. How Much Is Enough? Money and the Good Life. By Robert Skidelsky and Edward Ski...

British English 2023-02-19    
Bringing Home the Bacon -Ⅱ


A tradition of public-private partnerships, which began with farmers forming co-operatives to improve production and marketing in the late 19th century, continues to flourish. An Agro Food Park nea...

British English 2023-02-17    
Bringing Home the Bacon -Ⅰ


Business. Schumpeter. Bringing home the bacon. Tiny Denmark is an agricultural superpower. Every weekday 20,000 pigs are delivered to the Danish Crown company's slaughterhouse in Horsens, in cen...

British English 2023-02-15    
South Korea’s Education System


South Korea’s education system. The great decompression. There are perils for a country in having all your children working too hard for one big exam. Few countries have done better than South Ko...

British English 2023-02-13    
Multicultural London English


Britain. Linguistics. Argot bargy. Why urban teenagers speak the way they do? In her novel “White Teeth”, published in 2000, Zadie Smith noted that in London, “all kids, whatever their nationali...

British English 2023-02-09    
A Memoir of Art, Race and Defiance


Books and Arts; Book Review; Harry Belafonte's autobiography; Twentieth-century lion; My Song: A Memoir of Art, Race and Defiance. By Harry Belafonte; It all began with a set of Venetian blinds. ...

British English 2023-02-05    
The Mountain Guide Roger Payne


His heroes were the alpinists of the early 20th century, George Mallory, Tom Longstaff, Freddie Chapman and the rest, who had climbed the world's greatest peaks in tweed jackets and leather boots. Lik...

British English 2023-02-03    
Cyclones and Climate Change


Cyclones and climate change. The new normal? Physics suggests that storms will get worse as the planet warms. But it is too early to tell if it is actually happening. Was typhoon Haiyan the s...

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