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泰语 2022-11-21    
ประเพณี Thanksgiving หรือวันขอบคุณพระเจ้าจากมุมมองของคนไทยในอเมริกา


วัน Thanksgiving หรือวันขอบคุณพระเจ้า เป็นวันที่คนอเมริกัน รำลึกขอบคุณพระผู้เป็นเจ้า ที่ช่วยให้ผู้อพยพมาตั้งรกรากในอเมริการุ่นแรก รอดชีวิตมาได้ เมื่อเกือบสี่ร้อยปีมาแล้ว โดยจะฉลองกันในวันพฤหัสบดีที่สี...

Intermediate 2022-11-20    
Tree Ring Science


Anchukaitis: The raw materials for what we do are of course trees and their rings and [what you're] actually looking at when you see the tree ring is two different types of cells. So in the early part...

Video 2022-11-20    
Greenhouse Effect


Earth’s temperature is affected by a process called the greenhouse effect, which is how the atmosphere keeps our planet’s surface warm. This process begins with energy from the sun, which is m...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-11-19    
Country Music Performer Johnny Cash


That was Johnny Cash singing his first major hit record, "I Walk The Line". It has sold more than two million copies since it was released in nineteen fifty-six.Music industry experts say Johnny Cash ...

British English 2022-11-19    
Bernie Ecclestone - Ⅱ


Mr Ecclestone is a skilled dealmaker; but he has missed out on two areas of opportunity for the sport. The first of these is the internet. Formula One has barely begun to develop its business online. ...

Intermediate 2022-11-18    
Darwin's Influence on Modern Thought


"Darwin's Influence on Modern Thought" by Ernst Mayr. Clearly, our conception of the world and our place in it is, at the beginning of the 21st century, drastically different from the zeitgeist at th...

法语 2022-11-18    
Vienne - Ⅱ


Du deuxième plus grand cimetière d’Europe en nécropole impériale, du tout nouveau musée des pompes funèbres en tavernes populaires où la mort se célèbre en chansons, suivez-nous sur les pas de la gran...

Video 2022-11-18    
Genetic Engineering & Our Food


GMOs are one of the most controversial areas of science. Genetic engineering is used in many fields, but even though medical applications like GM insulin are widely accepted, The debate heats up...

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