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British English 2022-11-27    
Vann Nath - Ⅱ


For many years after the Khmers Rouges fell from power, the upper echelons of the regime denied S-21’s existence. Mr Vann Nath caught its reality in furtive glances, as he moved from cell to workshop....

Pre-Intermediate 2022-11-27    
Tons Of Methane Gas Trapped Under Antarctica


An international team of scientists has found that up to four billion tons of methane gas could be trapped under ice-covered areas of Antarctica.The scientists say extremely small organisms may have c...

西班牙语 2022-11-27    
Gijón - I


La fuerza del mar Cantábrico, sus poderosas mareas, las olas que baten incansables las playas y acantilados de su ciudad, parecen insuflar una energía especial a los gijoneses. Gentes activas y afable...

泰语 2022-11-27    


• รู้จักความแตกต่างของรังสียูวีเอ-บี-ซี • ผลของรังสีแต่ละประเภทต่อมนุษย์ • เรามักได้ยินแต่รังสีที่ให้โทษ รู้ไหมว่ารังสีมีประโยชน์ไม่น้อยเลย รังสียูวีซี • รังสียูวีซีฆ่าเชื้อโควิด-19 ได้ เป็นความ...

Intermediate 2022-11-26    
Copenhagen and Everywhere Else


Sanderson: About the hydrology of the Andes and how it serves human life in the most important suburb of La Paz, and these disappearing glaciers are going to mean that people can't live there anymore ...

Video 2022-11-26    
What is 'The Cloud' and How Does it Pervade Our Lives


You’re surrounded by it. You can’t send an e-mail without touching it. You can’t watch your favorite streaming series without welcoming it into your home. You don’t know where you’re going, but it’...

法语 2022-11-26    
Un café viennois, s'il vous plaît - Ⅱ


Des lieux élégants et surannés aussi, où se sont écrites les grandes pages de la littérature autrichienne. Des cafés enfin, où les aiguilles du temps semblent parfois s’être arrêtées à l’époque impéri...

Pre-Intermediate 2022-11-25    
The Protection and Enjoyment of the Beach and the Coast


One day in the year 2000, Angel received a call from a friend. He answered the telephone and received some shocking news. His friend told Angel, “They are tearing apart our beach!” His friend said tha...

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