Thiết bị làm mát dây thần kinh, giảm đau đớn cho bệnh nhân sau phẫu thuật. Thiết bị cấy ghép tương thích sinh học làm mát dây thần kinh, giúp bệnh nhân giảm đau sau tiểu phẫu. Bệnh nhân không cần p...
Luis was born in Lima, Peru. He lived there with his parents. But one day his life changed completely. His parents got divorced. And his mother moved to the United States. So Luis went with her. Th...
Science and technology. Astronomy. Psst. Want a space telescope? America's spies make a generous donation to NASA. AMERICA'S civilian space programme is built atop its military one. Its rockets ...
บริษัท Intralytix กำลังทดลองเพาะเชื้อไวรัสสลายแบคทีเรีย (Bacteriophage) ที่สังหารเชื้อแบคทีเรียแบคทีเรียในอาหารที่ทำให้เจ็บป่วย เช่น Listeria หรือ E. Coli โดยการมุ่งเป้าไปที่แบคทีเรียที่ต้องการทำลาย เ...
Los pies es algo que con frecuencia descuidamos y no les prestamos la misma atención que a nuestros dientes u ojos. Es importante pisar bien y cuidarlos porque otras partes del cuerpo pueden resentirs...
Steve: Michael, let me just read the subhead of the article, "Fusion's False Dawn". "Scientists have long dreamed of harnessing nuclear fusion, the power plant of the star, for a safe, clean ...
SPEAKER 1: Two groups of animals are defined as different species when individuals from one group don't mate and reproduce with those from the other. One way a species can split into two is for pop...
Low cost ! une expression anglaise bien sûr mais qui est devenue assez courante dans un français d’aujourd’hui. Mot à mot, l’expression signifie bas coût, Et il faut comprendre ce coût comme venant...
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