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越南语 2023-12-01    
Một loại thuốc ung thư máu có khả năng ngăn chặn sự tái nhiễm bệnh HIV【Miền Bắc】


Một loại thuốc ung thư máu có khả năng ngăn chặn sự tái nhiễm bệnh HIV sau điều trị. Một loại thuốc được sử dụng trong điều trị ung thư máu cho thấy triển vọng tiêu diệt những tế bào HIV ẩn náu tro...

越南语 2023-12-01    
Một loại thuốc ung thư máu có khả năng ngăn chặn sự tái nhiễm bệnh HIV【Miền Nam】


Một loại thuốc ung thư máu có khả năng ngăn chặn sự tái nhiễm bệnh HIV sau điều trị. Một loại thuốc được sử dụng trong điều trị ung thư máu cho thấy triển vọng tiêu diệt những tế bào HIV ẩn náu tro...

Video 2023-12-01    
Tritheledont - Fossil Discoveries


[ Music ] >> What makes the Bay of Fundy a special place to hunt for fossils is its huge tides. They're the largest in the world. In just six hours, 100 billion tons of water drain h...

British English 2023-11-30    
Another Upward Force on American Inflation - the Housing Boom


Finance and Economics. Inflation in America. Rental resurgence. Yet another upward force on American inflation: the housing boom. From Energy and used cars to wages and shipping, the list of fac...

Pre-Intermediate 2023-11-30    
Story - 'The Keeping Quilt' Written by Patricia Polacco


When my great grandma Anna came to America.She wore the same thick coatand big boots she had worn when she worked on her family's farm.But her family did not farm anymore.In New York City,her father c...

泰语 2023-11-30    
กระบวนการวัฒนธรรมคัดสรรให้ 'กางเกง' เป็นเครื่องนุ่งห่มที่แพร่หลายในโลก


นักวิจัยด้านชีววิทยาวัฒนาการ (Evolutionary Biologist) จาก University of Connecticut พยายามค้นหาคำตอบและอธิบายถึงที่มาและประวัติศาสตร์ของกางเกงที่เราใส่อยู่ในปัจจุบัน คุณ Peter Turchin นักชีววิทยาวิ...

西班牙语 2023-11-30    
Espacios verdes e hipoalergénicos contra el calor urbano


Los espacios verdes son fundamentales en las ciudades: mitigan los efectos de la contaminación y ayudan a sobrellevar el calor. Sin embargo, ir a un parque puede ser imposible para los alérgicos. Inve...

Intermediate 2023-11-29    
The Flynn Effect - Modernity Made Us Smarter, Part Five


Steve: You would have loved to have studied the Van Arsdale twins—remember them? Flynn: I probably would have, yes; I have heard of them. Now let's take IQ gains over time; basketball ov...

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