อูตามาโระ สบู่ก้อนซักผ้า ยุคสมัยเปลี่ยน คนก็เปลี่ยนพฤติกรรมจากซักผ้าด้วยกาละมัง เป็นใช้เครื่องซักผ้าซักแทน ยอดขายสบู่ก้อนซักผ้าลดลง อูตามาโระหากลุ่มลูกค้าใหม่เจอด้วยกลยุทธ์อะไร สินค้าแบบไหนที่เห...
Al año siguiente los científicos regresaron. INTERPRETE: Ella volverá. INTERLOCUTOR: Ellos hallaron que las parejas de apareamiento que habían introducido no sólo sobrevivieron sino que se...
Dan Ariely: We gave those to people across the company and we also asked them for what their job title was and which department they worked at and then we asked the CEO of the company to te...
[ Music ] [Background music] It was definitely the biggest adventure of my life. [ Music ] This was the Canadian Arctic. Hundreds of miles away from any settlement. We had a narro...
Woven Planet - Startup công nghệ của Toyota từng được kỳ vọng sẽ "thay đổi thế giới" - đang gặp khó với những kế hoạch liên tục bị trì hoãn. Dường như startup này đã thất bại và trở thành một bài học ...
Florent Guignard : On le voit le plus souvent juché sur un bœuf, un buffle ou un rhinocéros. Passager pas du tout clandestin, le pique-bœuf picore la peau des animaux à la recherche de larves, de ti...
Finance and Economics. Gold demand in India. Carrot and stick. India's booming demand for bullion is worrying the government. Covid-19 hit India hard, leaving millions jobless and struggling to ...
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