Công ty Mỹ ra mắt hệ thống xây dựng trang trại điện mặt trời tự động với robot lắp đặt. Terafab, một hệ thống kỹ thuật số tự động với các robot, có thể xây dựng những trang trại năng lượng mặt trời...
Asia. Japanese booze. Awamori? Go on then. Okinawa's distillers are trying to posh up the local firewater. The Eyes water as your correspondent enters Sakimoto Distillery. Large vats of rice ...
ท่านผู้ฟังเคยลองคิดไหมว่า โลกในอีกหนึ่งพันปีข้างหน้า จะมีสภาพเป็นยังไง และมนุษย์เราจะอยู่กันยังไง สวมใส่เสื้อผ้าแบบไหน วันนี้ คุณดวงกมล บุญฤทธิ์ธงไชย (Duangkamol Bunyarittongchai) นักออกแบบเสื้อผ้า...
La proximité de la Coupe du monde de football met le Qatar sous le feu des médias, donc on parle beaucoup de cet émirat, parce que le Qatar en est bien un parmi tous ceux qui émaillent la péninsule ar...
Today we are answering an age-old very scientific and important question: What if the moon crashes into earth? It’s more interesting and weird than you probably think. Let's start with t...
Each day Michel would call his team members. They were working above ground. Michel would call them every time he woke from sleep. He would call them every time he ate, exercised, and even when he exp...
España es líder en patrimonio genético zootécnico. La raza oveja merina es un ejemplo, porque hablar de ella es hablar de la Historia de España. En la Edad Media su relevancia económica fue indiscutib...
Gabriel Cwilich: We left out the other big character in this play, Hooke. He's an incredibly interesting character. Say something about Hooke. Matthew Jones: Yeah, so I was very pleased t...
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