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British English 2024-05-08    
Why the West's Employment Miracle Looks Likely to Continue, Part 2


What explains employers' Japanese turn? Perhaps, after the pandemic, bosses are kinder to workers. Another, more realistic, possibility is that firms are in a strong financial position. This ma...

British English 2024-05-06    
Why the West's Employment Miracle Looks Likely to Continue, Part 1


Finance and economics. The new economics of work. Jobs for all. Why the west's employment miracle looks likely to continue. To see what a world swimming in jobs looks like, visit Japan. At ai...

British English 2024-05-04    
Are Greedy Corporations Causing Inflation, Part 2


Economists refer to this as the “capital” or “labour” share of GDP. When one group wins, by definition the other must lose. We have estimated the labour share across the OECD, a group of mostly ...

British English 2024-05-02    
Are Greedy Corporations Causing Inflation, Part 1


Finance and economics. Capital versus labour. Are greedy corporations causing inflation? In the three years before Covid-19, rich-world consumer prices rose by a total of 6%. In the three years ...

British English 2024-04-30    
The Archaeology of the Office, Part Two


If your office still uses internal mail, with those special envelopes that have people’s names crossed out as they wend their way round an organisation, you are in a corporate period drama. But mos...

British English 2024-04-28    
The Archaeology of the Office, Part One


Business. Bartleby: The archaeology of the office. A walk around the workplace is also a trip back in time. The office is where colleagues meet, work and bond. But it is also a time capsule, a...

British English 2024-04-26    
A Guide to Running a Company in a Period of Stagflation


Business. Managing American business in hard times: No margin for error. A guide to running a company in a period of stagflation. For the leaders of American Inc, high inflation is unwelcome. ...

British English 2024-04-24    
A Billionaire’s Challenge to Management Thinking, Part 2


The authors of the paper did discover a wide range of approaches, with some managers going on gut instinct and others using very formalised processes. But the researchers found that bosses who use ...

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