Công nghệ mới cho điều trị ung thư: Sử dụng 'nanomachines', không cần hóa trị liệu! Máy nano, sử dụng các chuyển động cơ học của phân tử thâm nhập và phá hủy tế bào ung thư trong môi trường quanh t...
Combien de temps l’être humain a-t-il mis pour conquérir la planète ? On a résumé l’incroyable odyssée de l’espèce humaine en 24 heures ! Et tout commence il y a environ 2,4 millions...
Two fiery red spots rose to Cazeau's cheeks. What Montéclin said was true. Upon arriving home, Athénaise had announced she was there to stay. It was difficult for her to understand why she had married...
Business. Bartleby: The bird and the boss. A billionaire’s challenge to management thinking. Elon musk’s takeover of Twitter raises questions of policy: is it right for the world’s richest man to...
คุณอาร์มันโด้ เปอร์รูก้า ผู้จัดการโครงการปลอดบุหรี่ (Tobacco-free Initiative) ภายใต้องค์การอนามัยโลกชี้ว่ามีโปรแกรมซอฟท์แวร์ใหม่ยอดนิยมโปรแกรมใหม่ออกมาให้เด็กวัยรุ่นดาวโหลดฟรีจากทางอินเตอร์เน็ตเข้าไปใ...
JULIA CLARKE: El descubrimiento de Ostrom provocó una revolución. ¿Qué tal si los dinosaurios no eran lentos? Sino de sangre caliente y rápidos, como las aves. Cuando Ostrom comparó el...
[Clip: Levenofi welcome song] Tulika Bose: You’re listening to a celebration in the Levenofi village in the remote highlands of the island nation of Papua New Guinea. I was here with our Scientific ...
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