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2024-02-07   Video
The Last Human – A Glimpse Into The Far Future


The future of humanity seems insecure. Rapid climate change, political division, our greed and failings make it hard to look at our species with a lot of optimism and so many people thin...

2024-02-03   Video
What Happens if the Moon Crashes into Earth


Today we are answering an age-old very scientific and important question: What if the moon crashes into earth? It’s more interesting and weird than you probably think. Let's start with t...

2024-01-30   Video
These All-Female Salamanders Steal Genes


These are all pond breeding salamanders. They are really abundant in the Great Lakes. They are gene thieves. They're stealing DNA from other species. It is known as kleptogenesis....

2024-01-28   Video
Is Meat Really that Bad


Food is arguably the best thing about being alive. No other bodily pleasure is enjoyed multiple times every day and never gets old. It is an expression of culture, our parents' love and ...

2024-01-26   Video
What Would Happen If The Sun Was Smaller Than The Earth


Imagine you were able to shrink the Sun to the size of a basketball. At that point, the Earth would be reduced to the size of a sesame seed. That's how massive our star is. But what if th...

2024-01-20   Video
You Are Immune Against Every Disease


You are not a person, you are a planet, made of roughly 40 trillion cells. There is so much of you, that if your cells were human-sized, you would be as big as 20 Mount Everests. For you...

2024-01-16   Video
What Would Happen If All of the Volcanoes on Earth Erupted at Once


What if one day you turned on the news channel to see this... Breaking news... ...volcanic eruption... ...already caused 2 million casualties... ...all airports are closed... If all th...

2024-01-14   Video
Can You Fix Climate Change


Never before in human history have we been richer, more advanced or powerful. And yet we feel overwhelmed in the face of rapid climate change. It seems simple on the surface. Greenhouse gas...

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